We were able to go to saint johns for the 24th of july pioneer days! we always enjoy this time with family and seeing old friends. We got there on tuesday afternoon and decided to enter in the volleyball tournament. Me, andrew my sisters, brother, neice and nephew were all on the team. We had quit the cheering section there for us. We didnt play all that well the 1st game and got spanked but after that we did pretty good and i think we were underestimated a little bit but we had fun. tuesday was the round robin to place everyone, there were 13 teams and we placed 5th. we were pretty proud of ourselves. Wednesday was the actual tournament and we did pretty good but we lost twice and that took us out we stayed in it for a while.I dont know what place we ended up being in after all said and done but we enjoyed doing and glad we did.
Thursday we just hungout and played outside in the nice weather. We went to visit my grandma and she bought us all pizza and the younger kids play a family game that we all love so much. It was kinda hot but always would rain and cool it all off. We went to the ice cream social that night at the park and ate as much free ice cream as we could. later that night we had a bondfire in my mom's backyard. All of the kids loved it and were able to roast some marshmellows. The older kids played sardines while my sister and brother were pyros and played with the fire. Talking and having a good time with my family is always fun.
Friday we just hung around again and the kids just played with my moms little kittys she had. colton didnt like them at first and finally became ok with petting and then holding them. the first thing in the morning when we woke up was mom i want to see the kittys. We went to the park to have lunch and played kickball it was a lot of fun as always. We then went to the campfire circle where there is a huge circle and everyone parks and eats and you walk around talking to everyone you know. There was a family next to us that was giving out cotton candy so of course we got some and colton wasnt to sure about it but mya was all over (no shocker there). My sister took colton and some of the other kids to track down the horsies that were there and thats all he wanted to do was track them down to pet them. he is so obsessed with horsies right now.
i went to bed early that night cause in the morning i was running my 1st 10k. I was so scared and nervous. It was VERY hard to run in the altitude change i thought my throat was going to close up. But after a while it was better. There were so many hills and inclines that i was of course not used to either so it was a little difficult process but i did have to stop a few times but at least i did it. my time was 1hr 17min and 30sec. not my best time but thats ok. i am proud that i stuck to the goal i had and finished it.
After i came home from that we had to get ready for the parade. It was hotter than usual but colton was ready with his grocery bag to get some candy. mya didnt know what to think about us standing in the street waiting for candy but she was loving the freedom to run around. After that we had lunch and had a party for the april, may, june and july birthdays. we ended up leaving sunday morning. it was a lot of fun and glad we got to spend it together as a family. sleeping in 1 room with all 4 of us was intersting too. i was happy to be home but sad to leave the cooler weather and time with family. until next year!

Loving the slip and slide

Jumping in the bounce house

Never to big for the exersaucer!

eating while watching us play kickball

Mommy and mya at the parade!

Showing us his candy

Watching the parade

Watching the horsies go by

Daddy and mya!

Waiting for some more candy

Family photo at the parade
Loving the cotton candy, love mya's face in this one

She loved the cotton candy

Not to sure about it all he wanted to do was hold it

Family shot at the campfire circle

Love him

Playing the piano
eating his roasted marshmellow

Roasting his marshmellow he want to sure about it

He went down the slide everytime like this

and this is how mya went down everytime