We got to grammies and colton was so happy to see her. he yelled grammy it was really cute. we then went bed and i decided to sleep in the same room as them (big mistake) i got some sleep but it was ok.
first thing in the morning colton asked to see the kitties while playing with the kitties he noticed the horsies next door. That became a morning ritual as well go pet the horsies and feed them. They were obsessed with these little kitties. they were 4 weeks old and my mom was having to feed them with a dropper filled with milk and colton helped feed them. It was so cute to see his little face when he got to pick them up to feed them. He would rub his head on their heads and would laugh and of course mya couldnt be left out and had to do it too. Everytime mya would sit down all the kitties would come around her and she didnt like that and would freakout and start kicking her legs i couldnt help but laugh all she had to do was get up but that was to easy right?. we then had lunch at the park with my sister april and played and had fun with cousin audrey. later that day we went and saw my grandma i always love to get to see her and eat all of her cookies. She has this passageway that leads from the bathroom to the laundry room and the kids went through it non stop but everytime i tried to take a picture they wouldnt go through, little stinkers.
Monday my mom was suppose to have a soccer game (she is the coach) but it was sprinkling and we decided we werent going to sit out in the rain and watch it cause the storm looked like it was just beginning. So i took the kids to burger place there and while waiting for our food it was pouring so hard. we waited it out and made a mad dash for the car imagine me holding mya holding coltons hand and our food and a drink it was quit crazy. But LOVED every minute of the rain. We really didnt do much of anything while there except for be out side 90% of the time the weather was awesome. it got a little warm during the day but nothing like here. It would cool off at night and it was cold (well for me anyways) i am a city girl for sure now. i would rather be cold then hot though. On tuesday i kept pushing back the time i was leaving cause i didnt want to leave and i knew telling colton we had to leave was going to be hard. I kept telling him that we have to go home and he said i want to stay with grammy and the kitties. poor guy feel in love with those kitties. We made it home safe and sound and hated being back in the heat. The only thing i missed here was my hubby and my puppies. I want to go back asap!
Some of coltons tricks he thought he was cool
Look at his cute little face so proud
Lots of swinging
Playing with the kitties
Out in the garden picking beans with grammy
Loving the horsies
Glad it was a good time!
It all sounds so wonderful-family, animals, RAIN! I'm glad you had so much fun! It makes me wish I grew up in a small town!
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