This delivery was a walk in the park, it was wonderful and fast. It was so fast it seemed like we blinked and out she came. I went into my doctor that day and i was dialated to a 4 plus. So my doctor told me to go walk the mall and then go to the hospital after that and she will let them admit me. So off to the mall we went and ate lunch and walked into the hospital. We waited for what seemed like eternity to get us a room, but finally we did @ almost 5. They got me all hooked up and ivy in and pitocine started, and then i started to feel the contractions i felt like i was going to die, i dont know why anyone would want to feel that pain. After i got that i was much better, i couldnt feel a thing (with colton i felt it when he came out). Right after the epidural was done and couldnt feel anything the nurse checked me and i was @ a 5. Then 20 min later my doctor came in and checked me and i was a 9. Wow that was fast (was i really ready for this) i was a little nervous but i had to be ready cause she was coming. At that point i called andrews mom and told her i was a 9 and she said we are coming and hung up on me. Luckil they dont live to far. My doctor said are you ready she is right there and my mother in law wasnt there so we waited a few minutes for her to come into the room. I told her if i was in pain i wouldnt have waited. So i started to push and was half way through and she said stop cause her head was out and needed to suction her mouth and nose. After that i did another half push and out she came.
When colton met her for the first time he tried pushing her away and whined a little he wanted nothing to do with her at all. he seemed like he was mad that we left him for so long or it was a different place for him to be in. But now he is so cute with her when he sees her he gives her a big kiss and cant keep his hands off of her, sometimes he is a little ruff but he is getting better. We are so blessed to have this miracle come into our home. She is so cute and sweet and lucky that she came to our family.
Hooray she's here and so cute and tiny! Congrats Heather! :)
How fun, congrats on having a wonderful daughter, nothings better then that. She was born on my son Adams birthday too. March 11 is a great day. Congrats
She is beautiful, I'm so glad she is here. I felt like Londyn was kinda weird towards us too for leaving her for so long but she got over it too! It's gonna be so fun to have our babies grow up together so close in age!
beautiful Baby! Congrats
Congrats Heather! She is beautiful!
She is BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations!!
Congrats! That is so exciting! I love the picture of Colton meeting his new baby sister! Priceless. I can't wait for Brody to meet his sibling.
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