Colton is 7 months. what the heck where has the time gone. he is growing up way to fast. He is such a good baby we just cant get enough of him. His personality is so fun and keeps us laughing. he loves sitting up and playing with his toys, he will fall over sometimes and ends up rolling all over the floor sometimes i am like where is colton it is too cute. he has been so obsessed with our dogs lately that he grabs them and pulls their hair and then they run from him and he also lets them lick his hands and then starts laughing, yuck i know but we wash his hands afterwards. it is a good way for the dogs to get use to him. He hasnt started crawling yet, he hates his tummy when i put him on his tummy he rolls right over to his back and not sure how to fix that but maybe he will go straight to walking. Not much has really changed in the last month he just gets cuter and cuter. we love you colton and cant wait to see you continue to grow.

fell asleep while watching baby einstein

love that face not to sure whats going on

big boy holding his bottle by himself

he loves this toy he thought he was so cool

sweatin to the oldies

happy as can be swinging

He thought that it was cool being in the laundry basket he went nuts!
He is growing up. The photos are so cute with his big eyes!
He definitely gets cuter every day!
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