March 1st colton was blessedand was also andrews birthday that made it much more special. It was a wonderful day. We Had a luncheon at my house before we went to church all of the food was so yummy, thanks mom for all your help and for those who brought stuff and were there to be apart of our little bugs special day. After that we went to church and there were 6 baby blessing that day and we were fortunate enough to be first. andrews dad blessed colton he did an amazing job thanks lynn. After church we went home and kinda cleaned things up and then went over to andrews borthers house and we all just hungout and talked for hours it was nice to just relax. it was a nice day and glad that colton is our special little bug things wouldnt be the same without him. We love you so much colton.

his cute blessing outfit
our little family
andrews family
my family
The blessing was very special! What a great day for you guys! Also, great luncheon! The food was all very yummy! Cute little boy!
that was a special day. loved it! the food WAS good and it was so fun to visit. londyn slobbers like crazy too! and also sucks on her hand when she isnt sucking on her bink! Colton is such a handsome cutie :)
I am so sad I missed it! I really wanted to be there. The food WAS yummy and it was fun to have everyone over! Congratulations Colton!
Totally Awesome Dude! We had a great time! Ditto to everything that was said already.
Love you guys bigger than this galaxy!
Very cool! I am so sad we missed it!!! He is so cute in his blessing outfit! You guys look good!
Hey- we are coming on Wed next week.... Are you working still? If not, we should hang out during the day! Miss you!
Hey Heather! Thanks for your comment! :) Your little guy is so ADORABLE!
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