Loving bath time
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Colton is 4 months
Today was coltons 4 month check up. He weighed in at a whopping 17lbs 4 oz and 25 inches long his head measured 17. he is in the 90th percentile for weight no big surprise there, 55th for height and 70th for his head. He cried his eyes out when the shots came along. Needless to say he is a very big boy. He is our chunky boy. We love ever bit of him, he keeps us smiling and laughing all day. Colton has found his voice and has no problem letting everyone hear it. he also has found his thumb, he loves sucking on it when he doesnt have his paci sometimes he pushes it out of the way to suck on his thumb. He is such a happy baby. We are going to start him on cereal and then will move on to baby food. He is growing up so fast. Here is an overload of pictures of our little bug there were so many i couldnt resist. We love you so much bug and cant wait to see you keep on growing.

Loving bath time

Loving bath time
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Winters Family pictures
Monday, March 9, 2009
trip to grammy and papas house
This past weekend we went to my moms house. It was my nephew camerons baptism. it was so nice to get away. We got there friday early evening. Me andrew and my mom went out to eat. by the time we got back my sister mindy got there and we got online and talked to my brother and his family on their web cam who live in china. it was so nice to get to see them since we dont see them very often. then it was off to bed. the next morning we went to see my brothers new house and hungout and ate lunch it was nice, the weather was cold and windy but i loved it. then we went to the baptism, it was really nice my mom and neice sang a song together and made me tear up a little. i dont know why i get so emotional so easy but it just happens oh well. We went home and talked and played games with the kids. on sunday we left really early cause colton was going to sleep so we wanted to get going cause we werent sure what he was going to do. He actually did really good he slept pretty much most of the way both times. later that day we had family pictures with andrews family. it was really nice everyone looked so good. it was a very busy weekend fun but tiring. below are some fun pictures.
Monday, March 2, 2009
coltons special day
March 1st colton was blessedand was also andrews birthday that made it much more special. It was a wonderful day. We Had a luncheon at my house before we went to church all of the food was so yummy, thanks mom for all your help and for those who brought stuff and were there to be apart of our little bugs special day. After that we went to church and there were 6 baby blessing that day and we were fortunate enough to be first. andrews dad blessed colton he did an amazing job thanks lynn. After church we went home and kinda cleaned things up and then went over to andrews borthers house and we all just hungout and talked for hours it was nice to just relax. it was a nice day and glad that colton is our special little bug things wouldnt be the same without him. We love you so much colton.

his cute blessing outfit
his cute blessing outfit
our little family
andrews family
my family
colton is 3 months
Colton is 3 months old. I cant believe how fast he has grown. He is such a happy baby and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. He loves smiling, laughing, and blowing bubbles with all of his slobber. Lately he has become the slobber king, his clothes are soaked from him slobbering and sucking on his hands. We think he is teething but we havent seen any teeth come in yet. we will just have to wait patiently for them to appear. He likes to play with his toys but all he really does it bat at them but hey its a start. He is a good eater and sleeper and we are so happy about that, we have a healthy baby boy thats for sure. We love you so much bug.

Just chillin on his stomach
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