Friday, July 8, 2011

Our 4th of July!

Our 4th of july was a lot of fun with the kids and family! we just layed low for the morning and went to my sister kim's house after the kids woke up from their naps. My brother and his family are visiting from china and we were able to have them here to celebrate with us. we did lots of swimming and had a BBQ. Colton is such a little fish. even though he has tons of floaties on he can still swim good i just have to take extra precaution i just dont want anything bad to happen to him. He loves to pretend like he is sleeping while floating he is a character. I think it is funny how he is scared at first of the water but then comes alive and will swim forever and have so much doing it. Mya is such a daredevil she always wanted to be swimming with the big kids and going down the slide and jumping off the side of the pool. i love how she is so adventurious. anything anyone else does she wanted to try it.
I love spending time with my family and having tons of fun! We were going to go to the fireworks by my sisters house but mya was one cranky tired girl and i figured it wouldnt be that much fun with her and it was past her bedtime. So we drove home and i knew that schnepf farms fireworks started later so i knew we wouldnt miss them. We put mya to bed and waited for the fireworks to start and this dust storm took over and we had to go inside and wait. It seemed like it took forever for them to start so i put colton to bed and then looked out our front yard and sae them going off so i woke colton up and went and sat outside and watched them he like it at first but then the wind picked up and he was scared of the noises the trees were making so we went back inside and put him back inside. He was affraid of the sparklers so we used a total of 2 sparklers what a waste oh well not much you can do now. It was a fun day and glad i got to spend it with my little family and my brother and sisters.
i am greatful for this country we live in and all the freedom we have. Hope everyone had a good 4th of July!

Little swimmer!

Mya is always eating or drinking something!

i think she drank half the pool

This is a classic colton move! floating while pretend sleeping

Cupcakes anyone?

Wide awake driving home

Mya on the other hand was a little sleepy

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