The saturday before easter we had a party at my sisters house. Some of the older kids braved the freezing water and went swimming. we ate dinner and then all the men went to the park to hide the eggs. we then trecked over to the park with the kids and they went crazy getting all the eggs. well being that my kids are the smallest and youngest they were quit so fast but they still had fun collecting eggs and eating all the candy. The kids played and coltons cousin clayton was helping colton hit the ball with a bat. he sure loved having a big kid play and have fun with him.
We had a great easter and glad that we have such wonderful families to be around. I am so thankful for the savior and all that he has done for us. I love my little family and so happy that i get to be a mom and wife. Hope everyone had a great easter. warning picture overload but my kids are so cute i had to put them all in!

Thats the best shot i got! oh well still cute
not happy about having to stop and take a picture