Our sweet baby girl is 5 months old already! We got her 4 month shots and stats yesterday due to the doctor being so busy with school starting and everyone wanting to get in. Oh well, she did so good with the shots. she didnt even cry till the 2nd shot, the nurse was surprised at how good she was. she loves to grab at anything she can get her little hands on, i love when she cuddles with me and grabs and touches my face its like she is making sure i am there (well thats what i think anyways). she cannot roll over probably cause she hates to be on her belly (so did her brother) guess it runs in the family. She can talk your ear off and is laughing like crazy. She loves when brother makes her laugh but hates it when he scares her (which happens a lot). she LOVES her jumperoo she thinks she is pretty cool but has to make sure you are always watching her. Her big brother loves her and loves to give kisses, it is so cute to watch. We are so lucky that she came into our family and cant wait to see her continue to grow into this adorable baby girl!
Her stats:
12lbs 15oz (15th percentile)
24in long (16th percentile)
head 16in (20th percentile
We have a little peanut on our hands, we arent use to this colton at this age was over 17lbs. But the doctor says she is doing good so i am not worries at all. Mommy, daddy and big brother love you baby girl!

kisses from brother she was laughing so hard

Hello people i am here

Love this smile

In her jumperoo

Look at that face so sweet!