Also mya turned 2 months. She is smiling like no other but when i pull out the camera to take some snapshots she is not about to smile (little turkey). She is such a cuddly baby. Colton did not like to be cuddled so i am taking advantage while i can. She seems to be a tad bit of a mammas girl the only other person that she will allow to hold her is daddy. Everyone else she will cry within seconds, it is kinda exhausting but i love it, it makes me feel needed. Colton is becoming to have a love for her. He LOVES to hold her he thinks he is pretty cool when she sits on his lap it is so cute. Just this morning he was laying on his back and we set her on his stomach and she threw up on him he tried to stop it from coming out, it was funny he didnt know what was happening. We are so greatful for the opportunity to get to raise these 2 sweet babies heaven father has given us such wonderful blessing and we are truly greatful for that.
Her stats:
Weight: 10lbs 7oz (37th percentile)
Height: 22 inches (33rd percentile)
Head: 15inches (31st percentile)
She is still small but is growing and the doctor says she looks great, which is a blessing. Here are some pictures from the blessing and just hanging around the house.
Mya is a doll!! She is just plain edible. Looks like she had a lot of family support. Isn't family just wonderful!!
what a beautiful baby. the blessing was really good you are right. sorry we had to sneak out after sacrament though. pictures are adorable.
Wish we were there. She is getting SOOO big. So adorable. You guys are such a good looking family!
Mya is beautiful, love the blue eyes. Only one of mine got the blue eyes. I think it looks so pretty with the darker complection. Congratulations on this special occasion.
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