Colton is a crazy maniac and loves getting into things he knows he shouldnt. he loves torturing the dogs but then will love on them weird kid. He is very good with his little sister he loves to make her laugh especially when we are in the car he plays peek a boo with her and she just loves it, makes it easy to be in the car. He loves to hold her and feels like such a big boy. He sleeps in a big boy bed and now gets out of it and opens the door and says mom i awake, it is seriously the cutest thing ever, i was so shocked when i heard him open his door all by himself i was thinking where did my baby go. He is such a big helper he wants to help with EVERYTHING sometimes a little to much but i enjoy having a little sidekick. He loves to be outside and now can unlock the sliding door and go run free in the backyard. Colton is such a fire ball but love every bit of him
Colton stats:
weight: 27.5 lbs 44th percentile
Height: 33.5 in 27th percentile
Head: 19.5 in 73rd percentile
A few things colton loves:
Santa from a distance
his little sister
Playing with cousins
being outside
bath time (goes nuts)
eating or should i say my snack monster
toy story
christmas lights
Mya is 9 months yet she looks like she is 4 months. everyone is so shocked when i say how old she is they are like she is tiny. i dont know where she came from, i was so used to a huge chunky baby with colton. but oh well she is petite and i love it! mya is one big DIVA, she is such a girl and spolied rotten. She knows how to melt daddys heart. She is such a good happy baby girl. it doesnt take much to get her to smile. I love her smile and little tongue that sticks out. She loves anything that can go into her mouth, yet she has no teeth i dont know if she ever will. She is army crawling and gets on her knees and really wants to move but doesnt little stinker. she is kinda starting to pull herself up on things but not anything like the couch, oh well she will get it. She is such a mommies girl if someone is holding her and she hears my voice she will search all over for me, its kinda hard but kinda like it at the sametime makes me feel loved. She talks non stop and andrew says she got that from me, what no way! mya is such a fun little girl and love her to pieces.
Myas stats:
Weight: 14lbs 15 oz 1st percentile (will she every get past the 10th percentile seriously)
height: 26 in 6th percentile
head: 17.5 in 60th percentile
A few things mya loves:
bath time she goes nuts like her brother
her brother
eating anything
her jumperoo
yo gabba gabba
her paci
anything you are eating she wants
here are a few pictures of these to wonderful babies. they are my life and i am glad that they are mine. i dont know what it would be like without them. i cherish them and the time i get to spend with them at home and see them grow. I am one lucky mamma and could be more proud to call them my own. Love you both so much!
He got in there while i was switching the laundry
he put on daddys headset and i thought it was so cute
He wanted to eat luch outside so we both did together
seriously so cute
Riding on the push car she thought she was cool
Seriously cutest kids ever! i just love them
Colton and all his animals and freaking out that
sissy was trying to get them