He is good at keeping us laughing, the things he comes up with are hilarious. He loves chasing his puppies around the house and bugging them to no end. He is into everything, you cant leave anything out or he is right there to pick it up and run away from you cause he knows you are going to take it away.
For his birthday party we had both sides of our family there and my parents were able to be here for it too. it is always so fun when family gets together. I setup a scavenger hunt for all the kids and by the end they were so tired but they got a bag of candy at the end so it was worth it. after that we opened presents and he got lots of elmo toys a truck and some clothes. he wanted me to open each one as we opened them. he loved especial his elmo dolls he walks all over the house holding both of them, if you ask him where his elmo is he looks for it and gets excited when he finds it. He loves to sleep with them and cuddle it is so cute. then we sang happy birthday and he wasnt to sure what was going on but daddy had to help him blow out the candle. I made an elmo cake and it turned out pretty cute but will never do it again to much work. We cut a pice off and stripped colton down to his diaper and let him at it. Oh boy did he love it he was stuffing it in like it was going to run away, it was fun to see him enjoy it. It was a great party cant wait till next year when he can realize whats going on a little better.
Colton we love you and are very excited to see you keep growing into a wonderful little boy. Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy love you so much.
Here are a few pictures of him through the year they are a little of order.
His stats:
weight: 21lbs- 25th percentile
height: 28.25- 9th percentile
head cir: 18.25- 50th percentile
so he hasnt grown very much but the doctor says he is doing good, so that makes us happy.