Colton is 9 months. We went to the doctor on thursday and he weighs in at 20lbs 12oz 54th percentile, i think he is losing some weight now that he is mobile. 28 inches tall 41st percentile, head 18inches 63rd percentile he does have a big head but i love it. the doctor says he is doing good and right on track. He is so much fun for us and keeps us laughing. He finally got 1 tooth on the bottom coming in and the the one next to it is right behind, so i have had a cranky baby boy lately. He is all over the place since he crawls now like a champ. He can say mama, dada, his first word was dada. he gives you five when you ask him to, and he is starting to wave but it is backwards for now, but he will get it. He loves climbing onto or over anything especially lyla our dog he loves her so much it is so cute to see him with her and she just sits there and takes it but gets back at him by licking him. If we leave anything open he will go right to it and see what he can get into. He is so much fun and i am glad he is growing to be such a healthy baby boy. We love you Colton.
Colton loves:
-bath time
-his paci
-his puppies
-mommy and daddy
-getting into everything
-his bottle
-the trampoline
-being outside
colton hates:
-the vaccum (cries everytime i get it out)
-getting dressed
-the dogs barking (when he isnt paying attention it freaks him out)
-nap time (he can be a stinker sometimes)
-really loud voices he gets so freaked out

Climbing on his toys

Sitting in his chair watching a movie

He just woke up and his hair was crazy but you cant really tell
but he is so cute!

if you look closely you can see his little tooth

he loves horsies

loving the laundry basket

Getting into our dresser
I love his laugh it is so contagious! hope you enjoy it as much as i do.
OK seriously... His laugh cracks me up every time!!! I love that kid... Glad to see he is growing well... Please email me your address... I have a package to send you!!! Love you!
Cute boy! And congrats on the 2nd Pregnancy!
Totally contagious laugh! Love it! He is going to be a great entertainer/ playmate for the new baby!
Brody has a big head too! Agghh. I hoped it wouldn't be, but it is. Oh well.
And I guess I missed it somewhere, but I saw your ticker....congrats on the new baby! Planned or not so much?
that is so funny! i love his laugh and that little tooth is soooo cute! yeah!
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