Brother and his family were visiting from china and my sister came from utah. My brother came in thursday and we went the the pointe hotel where he was staying and went to the water park that they have there. i went down the waterslide that goes straight down i was terrified to go but i did and screamed the whole way down, i got the biggest wedgie in the world but it was fun. We then went the following wednesday to my parents house, when i got there no one was there i was ticked but then my dad appeared out of no where and said they went to lyman lake so we got back in the car and off we went to lyman lake, andrew stayed behind and slept he had worked that night before. i got there and it was so windy that after being there for an hour we had to leave but was fun. then we had a bbq, and my mom reserved the pool for our family that night. so we braved the cold water and got in, getting out was a different story it was so stinkin cold, but colton loved it and was having a ball. the next day we went to my parents resort in pinetop and went swimming again and played on the playground and had dinner. colton was not doing so good after swimming he ate his bottle and threw it all up all over him, it was sad. the next day we just hungout. All the kids got snowcones and so i couldnt resist and had to get one to. The weather was so awesome, we would just sit on the back porch and talk. i am glad that we got to go and hangout with my family even andrew had a good time which doesnt happen much since he isnt a fan of saint johns. i love my family and greatful for them all. these pictures are a little out of order.

Sitting watching all the kids play wishing that he could to.

Swimming at that resort with daddy

My mom got those party things that you blow.
colton chewed the paper off of it so i had to take it away
he wasnt to happy about that.

He loves hats so that day he was a fireman

With mommy water park

I had an apple to eat and let colton hold it and
he went nuts and couldnt stop eating it.

My cutest little man