We went to superstition farms last Thursday with my sister kim and her little guy mason the admission was free so we took full advantage of it and enjoyed the day with farm animals. We took a hay ride around the farm and got to see all the cows that were there. they had a ton of them and there was also a calf that was born that morning. Colton and Mya couldnt get enough of all the animals colton wanted to pet the cows so bad and tried to feed them but they were more scared of him than anything (poor guy). He tried to feed the massive horsies that were there one piece of hay it was halarious and when one of them ate it he was the happiest person ever, he is obsessed with horsies. Mya saw that brother was doing it so she had to do it also. She got an even smaller piece of hay and tried to give it to them. but she was so short the horse couldnt reach her, but i wasnt going to let her actually feed them her hand would have gotten eaten alive with how small the piece of hay was. We saw the goats, chickens and pig (which they were acustom to since grandma winters has some) and bunnies! We had luch there andgot to taste the ice cream made from the cows milk and was really good. So glad i got to have fun with my kiddos at the farm well worth the trip! here are some pictures of our adventure.

hanging outside the rails on the hayride for a better view

trying to feed the cows but gave up cause they ran away

With cousin mason before the hayride left

Trying to feed the cows

Really wanting the cows to eat the hay

Wanting to feed the horsies

see the 1 piece of hay love it!

On the hayride

cutest kids on the hayride
Looking at the chickens
Loving the goats
Waiting in line to get in