Right now i am starting to train for a 10k. i just started back up running on tues from a 2 month break. Let me tell ya getting back into isnt as bad as i thought it was going to be. I was able to pick up where i left off and was pretty shocked that i could do that. I started out running 2.2 miles tuesday and wednesday. Today i decided to step it up a little bit so i ran a 5k (3.2 miles) it was pretty hard to add that extra mile due to a little breeze that didnt help , but i knew that i had to push myself to do and i did. I am not one that can just workout to workout. i have to have a goal in mind to help me along the way but hey i am at least doing it right.
well on July 23rd i am going to run the 10k in my hometown of saint johns for the pioneer day celebration that goes on each year. My sister heidi did it last year so i decided i wanted to run it this year and i hope that she will join me in doing it. It would be cool to do it together and be supports for each other. if not i know that i can still do it, i just have to know how to work the mental part of it and so far it is winning. I am pretty proud of myself for making this goal and sticking to it. In the process it better help me loose weight, haha no but really it better. I will be running 4-5 days a week depending on schedules but if i dont run i will do my famous jillian michaels workout video. Let me tell you if you want something that works gets this video i saw results after the 1st week.
Anyways if you set goals go for it and dont look back. if anyone needs a support system or someone to remind them to workout i can be that girl for you. I love that i will reach this goal in just a month and a half. Woot woot go me!