When he was 1st born
His 1st Birthday
2nd birthday showing off his present
Look at how big he is
Love this kid he is the best
November 26th was coltons 2nd birthday! so crazy how things just fly by, it seems just like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. He is the cutest happiest little boy i have ever met. He is such a big boy and loves being called a big boy he gets really happy when we say that he is such a big boy for doing that. We had a little party for him here at our house, he loved it and had a lot of fun playing with cousins, aunt, uncles and friends. Of course he loved presents, he started screaming presents when i told him it was time to open them. Watching him open them was so cute, his facial expressions just says it all, he was one happy camper.
Things that have happened to colton since he was 1:
Been hospitalized for 3 days
He can talk like no other
got rid of his paci
He became a big brother
He now sleeps in a big boy bed
We love you colton you are such a wonderful big boy!