The following week was the 24th of july pioneer celebration. Andrew was able to come and spend the week with us and it was nice to have daddy with us. andrew was able to play in the basketball tournament with my cousin. He had fun but was really tired after playing each day. but i am glad there was something for him to do. He hates going to saint johns he is to much of a city boy to enjoy the small town. Colton has become obsessed with horses my moms neighbor has horses in the pasture behind their house and colton had to go and see them as much as he could. at the rodeo he would see a horse and bolt to the fence to see them running by him. At the parade saturday morning there were tons of horses and he about jumped out of my arms to go get them but he would have gotten trampled. We got candy a little wet from water balloons being thrown at us but he had so much fun. Mya and andrew stayed sitting in the shade to keep cool, but it was still a ton of fun.
We did lots of things to keep busy, plenty of water sliding, playing basketball, swimming, bouning around in the bounce house my mom has,and just hanging out in the cool weather. I didnt want to come back to this heat and not being able to go outside, it was ruff for colton he just got so used to being outside and now we cant stay out longer than a few minutes without roasting oh well not much we can do about it. I am so glad we got to spend that time with my mom and for my kids to see their grammie and papa. Being with family is the best thing on earth, i am so lucky to have them in my life. here are some pictures of the trip they are out of order i am to lazy to fix them.
Pretty girl
My sister in law sunghee with the kids
Daddy and the kids at the parade
collecting candy
Mason and colton enjoying bathtime
Water anyone
Baby girl hanging out
Watching brother get excited about the horsies
Colton at the rodeo obsessing over the horse
Stopped for a picture while in the bounce house
Daddy helping him ride the bike
Playing with the hose one of his favorite things
to do while we were there.
My cute baby boy