Colton was 6 months on tuesday, but we went to the doctor today. Again i was wrong with his weight he weighed in at 19lbs 75th percentile, height 27 inches 70th percentile, head 17.5 inches 70th percentile. So needless to say he is right on track. Colton loves waking up early but it is so cute cause i hear him playing around in his crib and when i go get him he is holding to both of his feet and rolling back and forth or he is completed turned around the opposite way just talking away. he is a big talker and loves to scream once they find their voice it is over from there but i love it. he is staring to crawl a little bit on his belly. He has strong legs and loves to jump around on us and in his jumparoo he goes nuts in that thing. He can put himself in a sitting position but then falls over it is a work in progress but i know it wont be to long. He will chew on anything that is in his path and loves to pull and eat my hair. Like i said he is teething and the 2 front teeth are really close to breaking through it is like using the jaws of life to look in his mouth he doesnt like it when i am poking around in there he would just rather chew on my finger instead. He grabs at anything in his reach i have to be way more cautious or else he will get a kung fu grip and wont let go. he loves bath time, he starts screaming and jumping around when he hears me turn on the water to cute.He is just growing up way to fast but we love to see him accomplish new things.
We love you bug.

crazy face and eyes

He was playing with this cup and it ended up on his head.

getting ready for bath time

love this video he is cracking up over a sweaky toy
and sees our little dog jump for it. he loved it.