Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today was Coltons 2 month check up but he is 2 1/2 mths. He officially weighs 14lbs 11 oz and is 24 in long i thought that he was heavier than that. he is the 90th percentile for weight 70th percentile for height. yes i know he is a chunker but i love it. It was shot day so andrew had to hold down his arms while the nurse held his legs and started shooting his chubby little legs with the shots. she did the first one and he lost it and it went all down hill after that. I tried to calm him down but it didnt work till it was over he was looking at me like why did you let that happen, i was so sad. He was obssessed with the dalmation dog that was one the table with him he was talking to it and was hitting it. He did good for his first set of shots, i just hope it gets easier. We love you BUG.

Here he is looking at us after he was talking to the dog

Here he is playin with the puppy.

Here is one that i thought was cute so i just threw it in there. isnt he so cute, how can u resist that cute smile.

Here he a big suns fan, me and andrew went to the suns game and had colton be suns fan with us